Saturday, January 26, 2013


As of January 22, 2013, I've been a vegan. I think it's a healthier choice for me, the animals, and the earth and I'm glad I'm doing it. With so many modern resources to use instead of animal products, there isn't any reason I shouldn't be a vegan. My parents weren't too pleased with my choice but I'm sure they'll get used to it eventually. It takes some work, as I have to now check everything that I eat or wear, but it's definitely worth it.
My Vegan page has resources to help me, as well as anyone who needs it, become a vegan.

Vegetarian Starter Kit

Companies That Don't Test On Animals

Companies That Do Test On Animals

Vegan Baking

Vegan Starter Kit

Vegan Shopping List

Vegan Nutrition Pamphlet

Go Vegetarian, Go Vegan!

Accidentally Vegan Foods

Protein & Calcium

Vegan Recipes

More Vegan Recipes

How to Be a Vegan Teenager


*WARNING* The video below has harsh images and facts and is not recommended for young children.


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