Monday, July 9, 2012

30 Day Book Challenge: Day Sixteen

"Favorite female character"
Francie Nolan from A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith

Not only is A Tree Grows in Brooklyn one of my favorite books of all time, but it also holds my favorite female character: Francie Nolan. Francie Nolan is portrayed as a bit of an outsider and introvert, as she grows up in poor territories and has to help care for her family. I admire her courage, honor her strength, and adore her personality. She's the kind of character I'd love to have as a best friend, not only for the wondrous stories she would tell, but also for her caring heart and open mind.

If I haven't given you enough reasons already, I really recommend going out to your nearest library and borrowing A Tree Grows in Brooklyn: it's absolutely fabulous!

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