Monday, July 9, 2012

My Chickies :-)

 My lovely girl, Penny (left). She's a Rhode Island Red and is very outgoing. Although she likes to go on adventures, she follows my rules and usually well behaved. :-)
 This one here on the right is Advika. The name is Hindu and it means unique, just like my little chicky.
 This one (on the left) is Daisy. She's a bit of an oddball, but she's super sweet!
 The one that looks like she's angry is Prudence... She's not always the most fun-loving of the bunch but she can be sweet. She's just a bit mature.
 The one in the back left is Charlotte and the one in the back right is Dhara (also a Hindu name, means Earth). I was holding clovers and all the chickies wanted their share.
 Here's some fresh eggs! The green ones are laid by my Americanas: Charlotte and Advika. Aren't they cool?
This is a picture of Penny taking off. You can't see her head, but those are her wings flapping.

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